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    I have recently been drawn more and more to the phenomenon hotwifing and cuckolding, it seems to me by adding the dynamics of a third person and or role-play raises the sexual level to a new and thrilling heights.

    But why would anybody allow there wife to be seduced by another man, well its not for every one but the sexual gratification can be enormous when the wife comes back to her husband and tells him all the details often there sex has never been so good.

    I love to seduce a lady take it slow, make her a meal share a look, can your husband see we are flirting, maybe give a full body massage we kiss I lead her to the bedroom can your husband hear our love making……

    It is of course important to stress that this is a game all be for adults and respect is of the up most impotents for all parties.

    If this is something for u please give me a call.

    What is a “Hot Wife?”

    The term hot wife is often used to describe a happily married woman who enjoys intimate relations with other men, with her loving husband’s full and genuine support, but where he typically agrees to be completely monogamous with his wife. Both spouses derive satisfaction from the wife’s extramarital pleasures. The husband is not necessarily submissive, although the couple may role-play that the wife relentlessly flaunts her “infidelity” in front of her husband.

    It is understandable that this arrangement can appeal to women with a polygamous nature, but it is far from obvious why so many husbands are genuinely into this seemingly unfair arrangement. The husband is turned on by his wife’s adultery, whether this happens as part of a heterosexual threesome where she first has sex with her lover and then her husband, or if the husband is not present during her adventure, waits impatiently for his wife to come home from her date so that he can make love to her. You are forgiven if you wrongly believe that the husband is hoping for his wife to reaffirm to him that only he can truly satisfy her sexually. No, her husband gets more excited the more the wife enjoys her extramarital lovers! When the hot wife is back in her husband’s arms, she will often graphically describe the intensity of the orgasms she has just experienced with another man or men.

    The wife’s sexual pleasure should not be confused with her romantic feelings – she is only in love with her husband. To minimize the risk that she develops a romantic interest in a lover, the couple has typically agreed to certain rules so that she for example only sees the same lover a few times, that there is a significant age difference


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