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Alt skrevet av tiagotiks

  1. Hi folks, Have you consider to travel abroad to the most sociable and funny city in Europe and have fun at the same time? I´m here to offer you a good service, from a handsome, and real bull. Open your mind, and bring your ideas and fantasies to London, and I´ll promise you gonna enjoy. I meet a few couples from Norway, when I was leaving there, so this world is not new for me! I hope to hear from you. best regards:D:D
  2. I´m in
  3. I´m here
  4. Wednesday is ok for me
  5. tiagotiks


    Nice pics
  6. tiagotiks

    20131102 121818

    Fra albumet: me

  7. tiagotiks

    20131108 222316 1

    Fra albumet: me

  8. tiagotiks

    20131108 222406 1

    Fra albumet: me

  9. tiagotiks

    20131109 135027

    Fra albumet: me

  10. tiagotiks

    20131109 135038

    Fra albumet: me

  11. tiagotiks

    20131109 135310

    Fra albumet: me

  12. tiagotiks


    Athlete body ;)
  13. tiagotiks

    20131102 122133

    Fra albumet: me

  14. tiagotiks

    20131102 021955

    Fra albumet: me

  15. Hello again Anyone available for 14 November? It should be a girl or a couple. People from Drammen and Oslo are welcome as well
  16. hei til alle Jeg leter etter et par eller kvinne for et eventyr. Jeg kommer fra et land i den sørvestlige delen av Europa, godt presentert, utdannet, lisensiert, hygienisk. Jeg er 31 år. Jeg ønsker å bli involvert i trekanter eller bare med henne. Jeg snakker litt norsk, men jeg forstår noen ord.
  17. Hi everyone I´m leaving in Norway for almost 3 years, and me and my we are swingers, but unfortunately she is not here with me now, so for that reason, I would like to post a thread here to find a real nice couple or woman to do some wishes and swinger´s crazies. I´m looking in Oslo, buskerud or Akerhus area. cheers
  18. Hi everybody We are a young couple (28 / 30 ) looking to have a nice experience with a couple with a same age as us, or a girl in our home. We are beginners in this swinger world, so we would like to meet persons with high education, hygienic, and patient. We can open restrictions for man´s in the future, but for now, we want to initiate this new life with a couple or a girl. We are now in Kongsberg!
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