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Prøvde å sende deg svar, er fortsatt i Ålesund. Men får beskjed om at mailboxen din er full. Vil du komme på chatten nå?
Vi er et par som søker fast venn for spennende stunder. Vi er i midten av 30- åra, og med på det meste. Vi søker en mann som er sykdomsfri (du er gjerne i forhold). Vi deler på dama, men mannen ønsker også å bli tatt analt. Vi ser for oss mye sprut og moro. Vi har treffsted, og vi tar gjerne overnatting første natt sammen. Skriv litt om deg. Dama er slank, veldig slutty og veldig glad i sex i alle hull. Har også en sugefetish. Han er høy, og meget tynn. Håper å få til et møte snarest. For riktig mann, kan du senere også møte henne alene.
Takker for alle svar. Jentene selv valgte ut menn. Og vet helt ærlig ikke om noen her inn kom med. Lover å fortelle en historie eller to når jeg har tid.
Jeg er i den heldige situasjon at jeg har to ulike damer som ønsker 2 menn. Den ene er i 50-årene, og den andre 29 år. Begge har jeg fast sex med. Og begge er med på leken. Jeg søker en "partner in crime", en mann som ønsker å bli kjent, og som klarer å være diskret. Har en tredje dame jeg dater for tiden, som jeg ønsker å introdusere for livsstilen om det blir fast forhold. Kort fortalt ønsker jeg kontakt med en annen mann, som er dominant, og helst velutrustet. Har erfaring fra før; 3 kjæresteforhold der damene har hatt lov til å ha seg med andre. Og der de har benyttet muligheten. Ønsker primært renslig, sykdomsfri mann som man kan sprute i damene etterhverandre. Er også åpen for lek mellom gutta, har ønske om å være litt passiv her, med en dominant mann. Åpen for å bli tatt selv også. Alle aldre er interessante. Send en mail, så tar vi det derifra. Er med på alt som er moro! Se profil for kontaktinfo.
Ikk: Dette er vel en side om cuckolding. Og under dette har man mange versjoner. Du virker som du skal sensurere noe du ikke liker. Og dette er tross alt en side for folk med et ekstra krydder mange ikke forstår.
jeg fant ikke filmen... har du en tittel eller link?
Min kjære tok en monsterkuk for noen år siden. Hun var helt åpen, jeg hadde absolutt ingen friksjon i snart en måned etterpå. En annen sak, var at det rant av henne konstant i en ukes tid. Han hadde sikkert presset ut noen kjertler. Hun syntes faktisk det var plagsomt, og måtte gå med bind. Merkeligste vi har opplevd. Har også kjente det flere ganger at hun er vid en ukes tid om hun har hatt større kuk. Men den mest ekstreme varianten har vi bare opplevd en gang.
Kan en mann vaere baade Hanrei og "Bull"?
erfarencuck svarte på lovestorms98 sitt emne i Generell Prat
Akkurat samme opplever jeg. Er selv utro uten at hun vet. Men jeg ønsker at hun skal ha andre, fordi det gjør noe med forholdet vårt. Og for meg er det bare jakten som er spennende også. -
This “semen displacement theory” is the most intriguing part of Gallup’s story. We may prefer to regard our species as being blissfully monogamous, but the truth is that, historically, at least some degree of fooling around has been our modus operandi for at least as long we’ve been on two legs. Since sperm cells can survive in a woman’s cervical mucus for up to several days, this means that if she has more than one male sexual partner over this period of time, say within 48 hours, then the sperm of these two men are competing for reproductive access to her ovum. According to Gallup and Burch, “examples include, group sex, gang rape, promiscuity, prostitution, and resident male insistence on sex in response to suspected infidelity.” The authors also cite the well-documented cases of human heteroparity, where “fraternal twins” are in fact sired by two different fathers who had sex with the mother within close succession to each other, as evidence of such sexual inclinations. So how did natural selection equip men to solve the adaptive problem of other men impregnating their sexual partners? The answer, according to Gallup, is their penises were sculpted in such a way that the organ would effectively displace the semen of competitors from their partner’s vagina, a well-synchronized effect facilitated by the “upsuck” of thrusting during intercourse. Specifically, the coronal ridge offers a special removal service by expunging foreign sperm. According to this analysis, the effect of thrusting would be to draw other men’s sperm away from the cervix and back around the glans, thus “scooping out” the semen deposited by a sexual rival. You might think that’s fine and dandy, but one couldn’t possibly prove such a thing. But you’d be underestimating Gallup, who in addition to being a brilliant evolutionary theorist, happens also to be a very talented experimental researcher (among other things, he’s also well-known for developing the famous mirror self-recognition test for use with chimpanzees back in the early 1970s). In a series of studies published in a 2003 issue of the journal Evolution & Human Behavior, Gallup and a team of his students put the “semen displacement hypothesis” to the test using artificial genitalia of different shapes and sizes. They even concocted several batches of realistic seminal fluid. Findings from the study may not have “proved” the semen displacement hypothesis, but it certainly confirmed its principal points and made a believer out of most readers. Here’s how the basic study design worked. (And perhaps I ought to preempt the usual refrain by pointing out firstly that, yes, Gallup and his co-authors did receive full ethical approval from their university to conduct this study.) The researchers selected several sets of prosthetic genitals from erotic novelty stores, including a realistic latex vagina sold as a masturbation pal for lonely straight men and tied off at one end to prevent leakage, and three artificial phalluses. The first latex phallus was 6.1 inches long and 1.3 inches in diameter with a coronal ridge extending approximately 0.20 inch from the shaft. The second phallus was the same length, but its coronal ridge extended only 0.12 inch from the shaft. Finally, the third phallus matched the other two in length, but lacked a coronal ridge entirely. In other words, whereas the first two phalluses closely resembled an actual human penis, varying only in the coronal ridge properties, the third (the control phallus) was the bland and headless horseman of the bunch. ---------- Post added at 21:06 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ---------- Next, the authors borrowed a recipe for simulated semen from another evolutionary psychologist, Todd Shackleford from Florida Atlantic University, and created several batches of seminal fluid. The recipe “consisted of 0.08 cups of sifted, white, unbleached flour mixed with 1.06 cups of water. This mixture was brought to a boil, simmered for 15 minutes while being stirred, and allowed to cool.” In a controlled series of “displacement trials,” the vagina was then loaded with semen, the phalluses were inserted at varying depths (to simulate thrusting) and removed, whereupon the latex orifice was examined to determine how much semen had been displaced from it. As predicted, the two phalluses with the coronal ridges displaced significantly more semen from the vagina (each removed 91 percent) than the “headless” control (35.3 percent). Additionally, the further that the phalluses were inserted—that is to say, the deeper the thrust—the more semen was displaced. When the phallus with the more impressive coronal ridge was inserted three fourths of the way into the vagina, it removed only a third of the semen, whereas it removed nearly all of the semen when inserted completely. Shallow thrusting, simulated by the researchers inserting the artificial phallus halfway or less into the artificial vagina, failed to displace any semen at all. So if you want advice that’ll give you a leg up in the evolutionary arms race, don’t go West, young man—go deep. In the second part of their study published in Evolution & Human Behavior, Gallup administered a series of survey questions to college-age students about their sexual history. These questions were meant to determine whether penile behavior (my term, not theirs) could be predicted based on the men’s suspicion of infidelity in their partners. In the first of these anonymous questionnaires, both men and women reported that, in the wake of allegations of female cheating, men thrust deeper and faster. Results from a second questionnaire revealed that, upon first being sexually reunited after time apart, couples engaged in more vigorous sex—namely, compared to baseline sexual activity where couples see other more regularly, vaginal intercourse following periods of separation involve deeper and quicker thrusting. Hopefully you’re thinking as an evolutionary psychologist at this point and can infer what these survey data mean: by using their penises proficiently as a semen displacement device, men are subconsciously (in some cases consciously) combating the possibility that their partners have had sex with another man in their absence. The really beautiful thing about evolutionary psychology is that you don’t have to believe it’s true for it to work precisely this way. Natural selection doesn’t much mind if you favor an alternative explanation for why you get so randy upon being reunited with your partner. Your penis will go about its business of displacing sperm regardless. There are many other related hypotheses that can be derived from the semen displacement theory. In their 2004 Evolutionary Psychology piece, for example, Gallup and Burch expound on a number of fascinating spin-off ideas. For example, one obvious criticism of the semen displacement theory is that men would essentially disadvantage their own reproductive success by removing their own sperm cells from their sexual partner. However, in your own sex life, you’ve probably noticed the “refractory period” immediately following ejaculation, during which males almost instantly lose their tumescence (the erection deflates to half its full size within 1 min of ejaculating), their penises become rather hypersensitive and further thrusting even turns somewhat unpleasant. In fact, for anywhere between 30 minutes to 24 hours, men are rendered temporarily impotent following ejaculation. According to Gallup and Burch, these post-ejaculatory features, in addition to the common “sedation” effect of orgasm, may be adaptations to the problem of “self-semen displacement.” Gallup and Burch also leave us with a very intriguing hypothetical question. “Is it possible (short of artificial insemination),” they ask, “for a woman to become pregnant by a man she never had sex with? We think the answer is ‘yes.’” It’s a tricky run to wrap your head around, but basically Gallup and Birch say that semen displacement theory predicts that this is possible in the following way. I’ve taken the liberty of editing this for clarity. Also note that the scenario is especially relevant to uncircumcised men. If “Josh” were to have sex with “Kate” who recently had sex with “Mike,” in the process of thrusting his penis back and forth in her vagina, some of Mike’s semen would be forced under Josh’s frenulum, collect behind his coronal ridge, and displaced from the area proximate to the cervix. After Josh ejaculates and substitutes his semen for that of the other male, as he withdraws from the vagina some of Mike’s semen will still be present on the shaft of his penis and behind his coronal ridge. As his erection subsides the glans will withdraw under the foreskin, raising the possibility that some of Mike’s semen could be captured underneath the foreskin and behind the coronal ridge in the process. Were Josh to then have sex with “Amy” several hours later, it is possible that some of the displaced semen from Mike would still be present under his foreskin and thus may be unwittingly transmitted to Amy who, in turn, could then be impregnated by Mike’s sperm. It’s not exactly an immaculate conception. But just imagine the look on Maury Povich’s face. In this column presented by Scientific American Mind magazine, research psychologist Jesse Bering of Queen's University Belfast ponders some of the more obscure aspects of everyday human behavior. Ever wonder why yawning is contagious, why we point with our index fingers instead of our thumbs or whether being breastfed as an infant influences your sexual preferences as an adult? Get a closer look at the latest data as “Bering in Mind” tackles these and other quirky questions about human nature. Sign up for the RSS feed or friend Dr. Bering on Facebook and never miss an installment again.
Secrets of the Phallus: Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That? Evolutionary psychologists decipher the "Rosetta stone" of human sexuality By Jesse Bering If you’ve ever had a good, long look at the human phallus, whether yours or someone else’s, you’ve probably scratched your head over such a peculiarly shaped device. Let’s face it—it’s not the most intuitively shaped appendage in all of evolution. But according to evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup of the State University of New York at Albany, the human penis is actually an impressive “tool” in the truest sense of the word, one manufactured by nature over hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. You may be surprised to discover just how highly specialized a tool it is. Furthermore, you’d be amazed at what its appearance can tell us about the nature of our sexuality. The curious thing about the evolution of the human penis is that, for something that differs so obviously in shape and size from that of our closest living relatives, only in the past few years have researchers begun to study it in any detail. The reason for this neglect isn’t clear, though the most probable reason is because of its intrinsic snicker factor or, related to this, the likelihood of its stirring up uncomfortable puritanical sentiments. It takes a special type of psychological scientist to tell the little old lady sitting next to him on a flight to Denver that he studies how people use their penises when she asks what he does for a living. But I think labeling it as a “crude” or “disgusting” area of study reveals more about the critic than it does the researcher. And if you think there’s only one way to use your penis, that it’s merely an instrument of internal fertilization that doesn’t require further thought, or that size doesn’t matter, well, that just goes to show how much you can learn from Gallup’s research findings. Gallup’s approach to studying the design of the human penis is a perfect example of of “reverse-engineering” as it’s used in the field of evolutionary psychology. This is a logico-deductive investigative technique for uncovering the adaptive purpose or function of existing (or “extant”) physical traits, psychological processes, or cognitive biases. That is to say, if you start with what you see today—in this case, the oddly shaped penis, with its bulbous glans (the “head” in common parlance), its long, rigid shaft, and the coronal ridge that forms a sort of umbrella-lip between these two parts—and work your way backward regarding how it came to look like that, the reverse-engineer is able to posit a set of function-based hypotheses derived from evolutionary theory. In the present case, we’re talking about penises, but the logic of reverse-engineering can be applied to just about anything organic, from the shape of our incisors, to the opposability of our thumbs, to the arch of our eyebrows. For the evolutionary psychologist, the pressing questions are, essentially, “why is it like that?” and “what is that for?” The answer isn’t always that it’s a biological adaptation—that it solved some evolutionary problem and therefore gave our ancestors a competitive edge in terms of their reproductive success. Sometimes a trait is just a “by-product” of other adaptations. Blood isn’t red, for example, because red worked better than green or yellow or blue, but only because it contains the red hemoglobin protein, which happens to be an excellent transporter of oxygen and carbon dioxide. But in the case of the human penis, it appears there’s a genuine adaptive reason that it looks the way it does. If one were to examine the penis objectively—please don’t do this in a public place or without the other person’s permission—and compare the shape of this organ to the same organ in other species, they’d notice the following uniquely human characteristics. First, despite variation in size between individuals, the erect human penis is especially large compared to that of other primates, measuring on average between five and six inches in length and averaging about five inches in circumference. (Often in this column I’ll relate the science at hand to my own experiences, but perhaps this particular piece is best written without my normally generous use of anecdotes.) Even the most well-endowed chimpanzee, the species that is our closest living relative, doesn’t come anywhere near this. Rather, even after correcting for overall mass and body size, their penises are about half the size of human penises in both length and circumference. I’m afraid that I’m a more reliable source on this than most. Having spent the first five years of my academic life studying great ape social cognition, I’ve seen more simian penises than I care to mention. I once spent a summer with a 450-pound silverback gorilla that was hung like a wasp (great guy, though) and baby-sat a lascivious young orangutan that liked to insert his penis in just about anything with a hole, which unfortunately one day included my ear. In addition, only our species has such a distinctive mushroom-capped glans, which is connected to the shaft by a thin tissue of frenulum (the delicate tab of skin just beneath the urethra). Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans have a much less extravagant phallic design, more or less all shaft. It turns out that one of the most significant features of the human penis isn’t so much the glans per se, but rather the coronal ridge it forms underneath. The diameter of the glans where it meets the shaft is wider than the shaft itself. This results in the coronal ridge that runs around the circumference of the shaft—something Gallup, by using the logic of reverse-engineering, believed might be an important evolutionary clue to the origins of the strange sight of the human penis. Now, the irony doesn’t escape me. But in spite of the fact that this particular evolutionary psychologist (yours truly) is gay, for the purposes of research we must consider the evolution of the human penis in relation to the human vagina. Magnetic imaging studies of heterosexual couples having sex reveal that, during coitus, the typical penis completely expands and occupies the vaginal tract, and with full penetration can even reach the woman’s cervix and lift her uterus. This combined with the fact that human ejaculate is expelled with great force and considerable distance (up to two feet if not contained), suggests that men are designed to release sperm into the uppermost portion of the vagina possible. Thus, in a theoretical paper published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology in 2004, Gallup and coauthor, Rebecca Burch, conjecture that, “A longer penis would not only have been an advantage for leaving semen in a less accessible part of the vagina, but by filling and expanding the vagina it also would aid and abet the displacement of semen left by other males as a means of maximizing the likelihood of paternity.”
Women have a different perspective on being a hotwife, of course. According to one woman, “I’ve got a sense of freedom in enjoying the company of men and not being paranoid about a jealous husband, or even being worried about what people will think. If I want to do it with a guy, I have the freedom to let it happen. At the same time, the hotwife does not want jealousy or resentment to ruin her marriage or threaten the unusual freedom she enjoys, a freedom she knows that very few husbands would be willing to grant. Therefore, she needs to be careful to be totally open and honest to her husband about her lovers. This means that there will be no secret conversations or secret meetings with men. It may also mean that the husband may want to approve of the men she has sex with. The cuckold husband may want his wife to announce her sexuality by wearing revealing clothes. For example, he may accompany her to a night spot in a distant city and have her dress in ultra-revealing clothes. This can serve to get them both used to the resulting male attention. Rather than being jealous, having a wife that is seen by other men as sexually “hot” may provide him with an ego boost. (Dare we suggest that for some men hot wives are replacing hot cars as a source of pride.) Thus, while the male and female motivations might be quite different in the cuckold husband-hotwife phenomena, the ultimate goal can be the same. The husband has to adjust to his wife not being sexually exclusive to him. He will have to deal with meeting men who have had or want to have sex with her. To compensate for any suspected loss of his virility, the husband may remind others of his own previous sexual escapades. At the same time to prove his lack of jealousy, he may freely admit to men that his wife regularly enjoys sex with different men, and he may even subtly offer her to select men. According to one man, “I like to set things in motion like that just to see what happens.” The Quintessential Issue What may seem desirable for the husband or wife while under the influence of testosterone, libido or fantasy, may later seem like a huge mistake. The result may be regret and marital estrangement. Clearly, the cuckold husband/hotwife idea is at odds with cultural conditioning and human tendencies toward jealousy and possessiveness. Although these traits may not be desirable, they are the norm and must be recognized. Even assuming that both partners are okay with going in this direction, most of society isn’t. With most people there is still a sigma associated with a promiscuous wife and a husband that lets his wife have extramarital sex. Most people who find out about this will respond negatively toward both partners. This can be a problem in a work environment where “character” is a part of job performance and promotion considerations. (A common male chauvinistic attitude with roots in the “wife as the husband’s property” notion says that a husband should keep his wife “under control,” and if she has affairs she definitely isn’t “under control.”) While many couples are able to keep their sexual activities private, they may live with the fear that they may be found out. At the same time, self-employed people who live in large urban areas, or people who work around like-minded individuals probably won’t have this concern. All this being said, given the ever-increasing number of affairs, and the emerging attitudes about condoned affairs in countries such as Japan, one wonders if somewhere down the road to cultural enlightenment U.S. society won’t be ready to accept open relationships. We seem to be in the early stages of that now. Although the transition will certainly be bumpy, if we are able to shift our emphasis to love and commitment to hold relationships together, rather than the refutable doctrines about sexual exclusivity which simply cater to jealousies and insecurities, it would not only eliminate much heartache, but it would remove many of the “justifications” for dissolving relationships.
The Cuckold Husband / Hotwife Phenomena Dr. Cherry Lee, Ph. D. (Dr. Lee has lectured and published in the area of analytical psychology, and she developed one of the first electronic systems for the quantitative analysis human behavior. She started her counseling work by leading gestalt therapy groups. Apart from this, her several decades of professional experience has been largely limited to urban, affluent, female subjects.) What Has Spurred the Cuckold Husband/Hotwife Phenomena? Although motivations for the cuckold husband/hotwife phenomena actually cover a wide spectrum, here we’ll cover a few of the most common. First, the husband may suspect that his wife is becoming interested in experiencing sex with someone else. He may value the relationship and not want her to jeopardize things because of the deceit and secrecy that normally accompany affairs. In short, he wants to know about and approve any extramarital sex, and even have some control over it. The cuckold husband wants his wife’s sexual encounters with men to be for sex only, with no marriage-threatening emotional entanglements. In this respect it is similar to attitudes about extramarital sex now held by many of the younger people in Japan. The mass media often cast beautiful and desirable women as both sexy and prone to sexual liaisons. Whereas this type of woman used to be considered a “fallen woman” or even a “whore,” in some minds she now seems to represent an enticing new standard. Some women used to brag about how they could avoid marital sex, and despite the views of some radical feminists, such women are now suspected as being man-haters, latent lesbians, or simply having personal problems. Now, many women find a certain excitement in being viewed as sexually liberated. For some, especially some older women, there may be a certain ego gratification in still being viewed as being sexually desirable — even discretely promiscuous. While holding to the security of her primary relationship, she may revel in experiencing sexual freedom. At the same time, most cuckold husbands want their wives to appear ladylike on the surface (in public.). But, among select men, they want they wives to be known as and “not hung up about sex,” or even “great lays.” Although this type of wife was once considered a threat to husbands — and it still is to most — the more psychologically secure males believe that a healthy and well-adjusted (and desirable) woman enjoys sex, and has the right to be just as open about it as men. Plus, the husbands involved may pride themselves in being secure enough to handle a hotwife. He may even brag to another man about how his wife loves sex and can’t get enough (which, not coincidentally, may be very much in contrast to the attitude of that man’s wife). Implicit in the comment is that the husband has no problem with this, and that, in fact, he thinks his wife is pretty “hot.” In many cases sex within the marriage has waned or grown dull and routine and the husband may get vicarious excitement in seeing (sometimes literally) his wife remain sexually active. Many women realize that other women regularly enjoy “good sex,” and although many wives have grown ambivalent about sex within their marriages and are reluctant to try new things, these barriers frequently fall with the expectations of new sexual partners. With new men there appears to be unspoken desire to “not disappoint” and “to be good in bed.” Even though she may have started to have doubts about her sexual desirability, as a hotwife she will probably find that men are again interested in her. For some women this can constitute a kind of new “sexual awakening.” This transformation can be quite disturbing for a husband who isn’t prepared to handle it. These issues are discussed in much more detail in the next chapter. In some circles a woman may wear a bold ankle bracelet on her right ankle to tell men “in the know” that she’s a hotwife. (At the same time, most women who wear ankle bracelets do so without realizing the possible significance.) Once seen as a hotwife, she may flirt with select men, making it clear that she’s available for sex. Women As Sex Objects? Many women feel that being a hotwife turns a woman into a sex object. This seems to be primarily based on the premise that enjoying sex is a masculine prerogative. However, more and more women are finding that this is not so. Most women have lived their lives trying to act “like proper women” and shunning men “who have one thing on their minds.” Now, according to one woman, “I let guys know I like sex.” Thus, she may soon get beyond, “what other people will think” and concentrate on the pleasures of the sexual experience — in particular, experiencing regular orgasms. This is often bolstered by the excitement that surrounds the culturally taboo aspects of a married women having sex with other men. Often the Husband’s Idea All of this notwithstanding, the cuckold husband/hotwife phenomena is typically the idea of the husband who not only knows about the high number of female affairs, but is even sexually excited by visualizing another man having sex with his wife. According to one husband, “I had to really change my view about how a wife is supposed to be, especially with guys finding out she’s ‘easy.’ But now I can sort of get off on having a woman that guys know is pretty hot. Fact is, instead of being embarrassed or defensive, I now sort of brag about how she loves sex, and then I casually mention that this sure makes her a lot different than most wives.” According to another husband, “…after a while I got into the idea of encouraging her to let guys give her all the sex she can handle. …She’s settled on several guys she likes and she gets it from at least one of them almost every day. I don’t mind her going off with a guy for a few hours; I don’t feel like I have to take her out — they do that. In fact, I have to admit, I sort of get off on knowing [when she goes out with a guy] that he will soon have her clothes off and be in her. I can kind of get of on visualizing them going at it.” From her husband’s perspective, if he can rid himself of the “fallen woman baggage” that pervades most of our culture, the fact that she is pursued by men, makes herself available to men, and is frequently bedded by men, introduces a bit of competition for her. This can strengthen the husband’s resolve to “treat her right.” Or, things can move in the opposite direction, with the husband feeling that, to a degree, she is no longer “his,” and he may find himself emotionally distancing himself from her. If such feelings aren’t effectively addressed and resolved, they may seriously damage the relationship. Things aren’t helped when his change in attitude is accompanied by her (however transient) excitement about new men in her life. From the husband’s perspective there is sometimes a “taming of the shrew” element. He may fantasize about a powerful (safe) man sexually awakening and dominating her, and forcing her to break free of sexual inhibitions. Some husbands know how exciting a new sexual partner and experience can be, and want to offer some other men this experience with their wives. A husband may also fantasize about having a wife that is, to a degree, driven by both a physical and a psychological need for sex. Visualizing or seeing first-hand other men meeting this need in her —but only with his permission— may excite him. The Woman’s Perspective
Fra en sexterapeut angående Cuckolding (del1)
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The second influencer the researchers discovered was the ratio of penis size to body mass. In species where the difference in physical size between the sexes was slight, (as it is in humans) the penis to body size ratio increased female dominated sexual behavior. The smaller the penis to body size, the more bonded males were restricted to activity with only their mate while females would engage in sexual activity with a variety of non-bonded males. Within these groups, females would generally bond with males with smaller penises and engage in sexual activity with better-endowed, non-bonded males. The most common activity between females and their mates was grooming and eating, with the far greater amount of sexual activity occurring between mated females and males other than their mates. Neither mated nor non-mated females would engage in sexual activity with bonded males who were not their own mates. The most frequent sexual activity of bonded males was masturbation. This study particularly intrigued me because it’s findings correlated so closely with my own experiences. I have assisted many couples in beginning and maintaining cuckold relationships. Among my patients, husbands with smaller penises were not only more agreeable to being cuckolded, but would even sometimes suggest it. These very enlightened, lesser-endowed, husbands were keenly aware of their inability to satisfy their wives sexually. By accepting their wives engaging in sex with other men they were relieved of the pressure to perform. It makes sense that this behavior would be present in humans since humans are primates whose difference in size between the sexes is slight and men’s penises are very small when compared to their body mass. Also interesting is that women, like other primate females, will rarely engage in sex with married men. A husband’s wedding band makes for a fairly efficient chastity device.. A wife’s wedding band, however, does little and sometimes even encourages pursuit by men. This further illustrates that the innate human proclivity for cuckold relationships goes genetically even deeper. Our modern morals and the female/male roles imposed on us by society are not only aberrant behavior given our genetic make up, but psychologically unhealthy and morally unethical. It is unfair that a woman is forced to repress the powerful sex drives that are so genetically imbedded in her psyche. Most married woman simply can’t do it. It is uncountable today how many wives are having sex with other men behind their husband’s back because our society cannot accept a woman’s natural needs. At what point did we move from a matriarchal to a patriarchal society that perverted our male and female sexual roles? We have so inverted out ideas of human sexuality that we have come to believe that women have a lower sex drive than men when the reverse is true. We think that men should be free to have sex unbridled, when it is women who should be freed and men bridled. We have created a society in which women struggle with guilt and frustration over their natural sexual needs while men are obsessed with perverted sexual deviations from far too great an access to far to great a variety of sexual stimuli and freedom. Just as our modern lives preventing us from responding to our need to express our flight or fight response leads to stress, and our turning from whole foods to processed foods give us all sorts of physical ailments, our denial of our natural sexual programming leads to untold emotional and behavioral problems. It would startle the average person to learn how many divorces are caused by the inequity of a woman’s unfulfilled sexual needs. In an effort to protect the man from humiliation it is rarely mentioned in polite society that the reason for a couple’s divorce was because the wife was finding sexual satisfaction outside their marriage. If we could be open and honest about a women’s needs, and that it is not the fault of their husbands that they need to fulfill those needs outside their marriages, then maybe we could begin to embrace cuckoldry as a healthy societal norm and save far more marriages.. I have saved many marriages in my practice by gently introducing the idea and practice of cuckoldry to struggling couples. I have seen in my own female patients that once they start to engage in sex outside their marriage with the acceptance of their husbands and the security that their husbands will remain faithful, they become more centered, calm and confident. Similarly, once their husbands get past their jealous feelings and fear of inadequacy they become calmer and more mature, no longer engaging in childish behavior like nights out with the boys or an obsession with sports. They even loose their interest in pornography as their wives recounting of their extramarital exploits, or their participation in those exploits, becomes much more titillating to them than the artificial titillation of pornography. When my female clients add the uncertainty principle of arousal and denial to their cuckold marriage a woman can bring her husband back to the days when they were first dating. Husbands become more focused on their wives and no longer suffer the frustrating feelings caused by a desire for unattainable women Cuckold marriages can evolve into a great variety of preferences. In my own practice I have seen cuckold marriages that range from those in which cuckolding wives enjoy subjecting their husband’s to humiliation and punishment, to those in which wives will have sex with other men in front of her husband as a form of entertaining them, to just about everything in between. Most couples in my practice, however, have very loving marriages with playful arousal and denial that seem conventional in every way except that the wife dates while her husband remains faithfully hers. It is regretful that the cuckold relationships of Victorian times could not have evolved into an open way of life accepted by modern society. It is my hope that one day it will. -
Fra en sexterapeut angående Cuckolding (del1)
erfarencuck svarte på erfarencuck sitt emne i Generell Prat
A structured practice of female sexual satisfaction and male denial grew quickly. Women had a lot of leisure time and spread the word of the benefits of orgasmic therapy and spousal chastity through the popular women’s societies prevalent at the time. Since men could not be trusted to have self-discipline, their wives were usually given the keys to their chastity devices. A kind of secret society developed in which these wives called themselves Key Holders. Key holding wives would deny their husbands sex while they enjoyed the services of their physicians and their physician’s interns or secretly engaged in sex with other men. Within these women’s clubs women introduced other wives who were unsatisfied with their husbands, to recommend chastity for their husbands and treatment for hysteria for themselves. Doctor’s finding a man’s wife desirable would also prescribe the same in order to gain access to her. Some woman’s journals discovered from this time period tell of their exploits with doctors, interns and other available men. The jest of the mailman and milkman delivering more than mail and milk are very well rooted in fact. It is interesting that a whole society developed around wives having sex with other men while denying their husbands who had to remain faithful to them. It is not uncommon to find entries in a wife’s journal such as “I had a wondrous day today. After a most satisfying visit, for both myself and Doctor Elbridge’s young intern, I spent a delightfully entertaining evening raising my poor husband’s lustiness near to its pinnacle during this time that he must abstain from loosing semen. His antics were most amusing and raised my own lust. As always, he proved his devotion to me by pleasuring me in a most deliciously French way.( Mine will be the most scrumptiously naughty story of any lady tomorrow at tea)Another journal tells how excited one wife was that she had her husband doing housework, an unheard of practice at a time when male and female roles were so rigid, illustrating again how arousal and denial of sex can totally alter a man’s behavior. Other journal entries tell of the rise in attention from their husbands and the thrill of sneaking around behind their husband’s back and having sex while their husband was “locked in his cage.” While diagnosing the damage done to women by denying them the fulfillment of their sexual needs may have been falsely labeled hysteria, the doctors of Victorian times were startlingly near the mark. Victorian doctors had insightfully identified the need women had for sex with a variety of men. Unsurprisingly, since human societal structures were originally matriarchal, societies that still live today in ways closer to our original female and male roles do not suffer from the damages of psychological and physiological stress. These more basic societies, far from the modern world, are nearly always matriarchal. It is the women in these societies who control property, family affairs and sexual activity. These women will usually have multiple husbands and lovers. One or two of these men provide them with food, shelter and security, while the others provide them with sex. Male, female, male couplings are not only accepted, but quite normal. In some societies, certain “stud” males will exclusively service a wife, in others, wives will share, exchange and even trade stud males. Men in these societies are happy in their subordinate roles to women. While there are some incidents of jealousy, there is no violence, crime, or sexual perversion. Men are focused on pleasing their wives instead of impressing other women in the group or competing with other men, except in the area of being good sex providers. Wives will keep this competition light and fun and ongoing. Men focused on this kind of competition do not compete with each other in other ways either, leading to much stronger male/male friendships and cooperation. An unlikely place further confirmation of the appropriateness of cuckolding in human bonding relationships was discovered in the findings of primate studies. In one study, researchers found two anatomical influencers of fidelity in primates. One was the physical size difference between the sexes. The other was the male’s ratio of penis size to body mass. It was found that in those species of primates where the female was considerably larger than the male, the female would have many sexual partners and bond with none. As female/male size became closer, the female would bond with one male. This male would remain faithful to her, but she would continue to have sex with non-bonded males. It was found that this was not reversed until the male became extremely larger than the female. -
By sex therapist & relationships counselor Susan Gower After studying human sexuality for many years it has become inarguable to me that a cuckold relationship (in which the wife engages in sexual activity with a variety of men while her husband remains faithful) is most compatible with basic human evolutionary make up. It is straying from this evolutionarily grounded human bonding relationship that has produced such misunderstandings and conflict between the sexes. At the very base of this principle is the understanding of a woman’s psychological need for a variety of sex partner’s. Psychologically, women are hardwired differently than men. A woman has a dual sex drive. The first is centered on finding a mate for life to help support her and her offspring. This is why (and when) love is such an important part of a women’s sexual desire. The second is a desire to obtain a variety of the best genetic material to produce the best children. This second desire begins to grow once a woman has found her life mate and grows stronger as time with him progresses. Eventually, this later and more powerful drive overpowers her sexual desire for her life mate. This is why a woman’s sexual desire for her husband diminishes over time. At the same time her sexual desire for other men is increasing. Often this desire for other men becomes so strong she cannot deny it. This does not make her immoral or mean that she no longer loves her husband. It is simply part of her genetic code. Physiological sexual differences between men and women also support the cuckold relationship as the ideal for marriage. It is well known that women don’t reach her sexual peak until they are in their thirties, while men peak by the time they are twenty. In a typical marriage, a wife is generally younger than her husband or the same age. As a result, a woman’s increasing sexual appetite, do to her biologically age based sex drive, gives her greater sexual needs than her husband. She needs more sexual encounters, longer sexual encounters and more orgasms than her spouse. Her older or same age husband, on the other hand, wants sex far less than his wife, oftentimes lasts only a few minutes before he reaches orgasm and then, no longer interested in sex, leaves his wife unsatisfied and frustrated. As a marriage continues this discrepancy in sexual needs increases dramatically, usually to the breaking point of a wife secretly finding a lover or lovers outside the marriage. Compounding this is that nature has not only given women a two prong and exponentially stronger sex drive than men, it has also given women the ability to experience a far greater quantity, intensity, and variety of sexual pleasure and orgasm than men. This is nature’s way of motivating a woman to seek out sexual activity considering the risk she bears in doing so. (Even though today’s contraceptives greatly reduce these risks, they do nothing to diminish the internal triggers that drive a woman’s need for a variety of sex and sex partners. If anything, this reduction of risk intensifies her drive to seek pleasure.) As a result, women can experience a wide range and intensity of sexual pleasure and diversity of orgasm. Besides the pleasure and orgasms derived from manual, oral and coital stimulation of a woman’s clitoris, all three of which feel distinctly different, a woman can reach a completely different sensation of pleasure and a completely different orgasm from the stimulation of her g-spot by a well endowed man. A woman can even reach orgasm by proper stimulation of her nipples if she has been brought to a state of intense clitoral arousal. Stimulation of her nipples and clitoris at the same time will give her a yet another unique intense orgasm. Her ultimate height of pleasure is found in oral or manual titillation of her clitoris while simultaneously having her g-spot stimulated. It is interesting that this is best accomplished by the use of multiple sexual partners, suggesting nature’s preference for male, female, male couplings. Finally, the crowning pinnacle of a woman’s sexual superiority is her ability to have a multiple orgasm and full body orgasmic experiences. Men, on the other hand, are far simpler sexually. Stimulate their glans (the little patch of skin at the front of the penis just below it’s head) and they ejaculate. Furthermore, men can get nearly the same level of satisfaction from masturbating as the do completing a sex act with a woman. For women, masturbation will give them only temporary relief. Women need to have sex with a partner to be fully satisfied, especially psychologically. The male also has a much simpler sex drive than a woman. He simply wants to mate with any female he finds desirable. The longer he is denied sex, the stronger his desire grows and the criterion by which he finds a woman desirable lowers. Since it is the woman who decides if he will be allowed to have sex with her or not, his desire for her sexually is also linked to the desire for her approval. As he becomes more interested in her the desire to please her as a way to get sex can become overwhelming for him. That is why you will often see men acting foolishly in front of females they desire, even though they have no chance to have sex with them. That is also why, once married, a man will begin to take his wife for granted; now that he has easy availability of sex from her, she becomes less desirable to him. One might think that this is a good argument for having an open marriage in which both a wife and her husband find sexual partners outside their marriage. Interviews with couples in open marriages have shown that these marriages almost always lead to a competition between the two spouses regarding who is having more sex with more partners. A wife will always win this competition because it is much easier for a woman to find sexual partners than it is for a man. The competition, however, can become nasty, ugly and often cruel. A wife will sometimes be drawn into the competition so deeply she will have sex with far more men than she wishes too, and her husband will have growing feelings of inadequacy, as he cannot keep up with his wife. This kind of competition almost always destroys a marriage. Furthermore, the idea of open marriage assumes the erroneous notion that men need a variety of sex partners. While all evidence indicates that a married woman both physiologically and psychologically does need a variety of sexual partners, a married man does not. The genetic code that drives a man is the thrill of pursuit, not the need for variety. Husbands in clinical studies who’s desire for their wives have waned and who’s interest have turned to other women have been completely turned around when their wives begin using arousal and denial techniques on them. These techniques instill uncertainty in the husband as to whether he will be allowed to complete a sex act with her or not. Time after time, in study after study, these husband’s desires have been focused back to their wives exclusively, losing all interest in other women. The wives in these studies were even able to vary their husband’s level of interest through increasing or decreasing their application of arousal and denial techniques. It was further found that when these same wives reverted back to traditional sexual practices with their husbands, their husbands began to loose interest again and began to again look at other women as possible sex partners. Interestingly, it was during the sexually repressive Victorian Era that an unusual mix of cuckoldry and the sexual arousal and denial of males was employed. It was believed at that time that many ills were caused by excessive male ejaculations. They believed that loss of sperm contributed to a whole host of maladies, from asthma to mental illness. As a result, chastity devices were often prescribed for men. This practice was so prevalent that over two hundred patents for male chastity devices were applied for during this era. Conversely, at this same time, it was believed that women suffered hysteria from lack of sexual release. Orgasmic therapy was prescribed for the treatment and prevention of female hysteria. Women would visit their doctor, or the doctor would come to a woman’s home to manually, or in secret, by more intimate means, deliver her orgasms. Most often it was married women who requested this therapy, often as much as three times a week. Some doctor’s journals noted that the demand became so great that they had to delegate these visits to their interns.
Det neste sjokket var når jeg hørte henne si ”Du er så utrolig deilig. Det er så deilig å ha sex med deg Tom”. Hun hadde ikke sagt noe sånt til meg. De lå virkelig og elsket, det var sånn at jeg kunne merke hvor nære de var hverandre. Og imens han sakte men sikkert gled inn og ut av henne, sa hun alt mulig til ham innimellom. Jeg husker alt, fordi de brente seg inni meg for evig tid. ”Du får meg til å føle meg som en kvinne.” ”Jeg kjenner at fitta mi tilpasser seg kuken din.” ”Jeg er så kåt på deg.” ”Dette er det beste jeg har opplevd noen gang.” ”Jeg kan ikke få nok.” ”Hadde jeg visst det var så deilig, ville jeg gjort dette for lenge siden.” ”Det er litt sexy at du er så stor.” ”Kjenner du hvor våt jeg er?” ”Knull meg hardt.” ”Gjør hva du vil med meg.” ”Nå er jeg din.” ”Bruk meg.” Jeg merket at jeg ikke hørte hjemme der. Min kjæreste lå med en annen, og jeg var ikke del av det. Kanskje for å få en reaksjon, så flyttet jeg meg over til stolen ved siden av senga. Men de fortsatte, og jeg merket at rytmen til Tom gikk raskere og raskere. Og så begynte kjæresten min å stønne. Hun ble helt borte. Jeg så hun holdt rundt ham, klenget seg fast. Med hender, og bena som hun flettet rundt ham. Stønnene hennes fulgte hans rytme, og det gikk raskere og raskere. Og hun stønnet høyere og høyere. Og så forstod jeg at hun kom. Og det varte så lenge. Hun smilte til ham, klinte med ham, og holdt rundt hans ansikt. Hele tiden kom hun, og det varte lenge. Og så så jeg at Tom også begynte å komme. ”Fyll meg, jeg er din” Hørte jeg kjæresten min viske. På en kjærlig, nærmest moderlig måte. Og han krummet ryggen og jeg forstod at han hadde fylt henne med sperm. Etterpå lå de og pustet ut. Han oppe på henne, og de småkysset. Smilte til hverandre. Han lå fortsatt med kuken inni henne. Når han så trakk seg ut, og gikk i dusjen spurte jeg om det var godt. For henne. Selv merket jeg nå plutselig at jeg var kåt igjen. Jeg så plutselig at det rant sæd ut av henne. ”Det er sikkert fordi han er jo blitt mann, og du er jo ung. Det er sikkert derfor han har mer sæd enn deg.” Sa hun. ”Og jeg kjente jo at det var deiligere at han også var stor, så jeg gleder meg til din vokser til samme størrelse.” Vi klinte litt, og hun sa at nå var det hennes tid i dusjen. Så om jeg ville prøve å komme inni henne igjen, så fikk jeg lov til det. Jeg la meg over, prøvde å kysse henne men hun bare vridde seg bort. ”Bli ferdig nå” sa hun. Og idet jeg førte inn pikken, fikk jeg nesten sjokk. Jeg kjente nesten ikke fitta hennes. Hun var ikke trang, det var bare vått rundt pikken. Jeg kjente at hun var utrolig varm, og jeg forstod jo at det meste av det våte var hans sperm. Han hadde fylt opp min kjæreste. Og i tillegg hadde han utvidet henne. Første gang hadde jeg kjent at jeg bunnet i henne. Nå følte jeg ingen bunn, og kunne putte min pikk helt inn til roten. Jeg kjente ingen bunn i henne. ”Nå kjenner jeg at du ikke er helt utvokst enda, og at du ikke fyller meg helt” sa hun. Jeg kjente det sved. Av sjalusi, litt kåtskap og jeg følte på en måte at jeg hadde mistet henne. Hun var ikke min lengre, nærheten hadde blitt litt borte. ”Men det var bra at han har tatt bort hele jomfrudelen i meg, sånn at jeg er kvinne” sa hun. Det var nok. Jeg kom igjen, og rett etterpå så bare vridde hun seg bort fra meg og gikk rett i dusjen. Hele den uken måtte jeg dele henne med ham. Hun mente på at siden jeg fortsatt ikke var utvokst, og langt ifra fikk henne til å komme, så måtte hun få lov også til å ha det godt. Jeg innfant meg med situasjonen, og var i det hele og store kjempefornøyd med at jeg nå fikk ha sex så mye jeg ville. Og de gangene jeg ville ha sex med henne når hun var nydusjet, fortalte alltid Tom at han hadde en ny stilling eller noe å vise. Så det var hele tiden sånn at jeg pulte henne med ei fitte som allerede var oppfylt av sperm. Tom sa også at det var viktig, siden jeg ikke hadde sperm. Så måtte han fylle henne. Fordi om vi pulte for mye uten at hun var veldig våt, ville hun bli sår. Og da kunne vi ikke ha sex på mange dager. På nettene, våknet jeg flere ganger av at de hadde sex, og det ble sånn at jeg ble liggende våken og vente til han var ferdig. Og så var det min tur. Den tredje dagen, introduserte han også henne for analsex, men dette syntes hun var bare vondt. Han fikk overtalt henne til å få lov å fortsette til han kom. Men når jeg spurte, var det helt uaktuelt for henne å la meg prøve. Dette fortsatte alle dagene. Han klarte å overtale henne til å prøve igjen, ”se om det ikke blir godt denne gangen.” Og så fortsatte han hver gang til han kom. Når høsten kom, var vi igjen hjemme i storbyen. Men fordi vi nå var ”voksne” fikk vi lov å reise enkelte helger til landstedet selv. Det var alltid kjæresten min som ville reise, og hver gang dukket Tom ”tilfeldigvis opp”, og den samme historien gjentok seg. Han bodde hele helgen, og det var mest han og kjæresten min som pulte. Det var under en av disse turene vi igjen sammenlignet pikkene våre. Tom hentet en stor, tykk barberskumflaske og viste at hans var like stor. Selv har jeg den dag i dag en pikk på 13 cm, og jeg vokste aldri til…. Dette var vel måten jeg ble en cuckold. Jeg begynte å bli utrolig kåt hver gang vi reiste til landstedet, fordi det var de eneste gangene jeg fikk ha sex med kjæresten min flere ganger i døgnet. Jeg og kjæresten min var sammen i 5 år. Vi holdt hele tiden kontakt med Tom, og reiste også på en tre ukers tur til syden sammen. Hun bodde på hans rom hele reisen, og kom bare inn til meg for kort sex. Under den reisen lærte jeg meg gleden av å slikke henne ren, og vi utviklet vårt tenningsmønster mot at jeg ble mer og mer passiv.
Min første opplevelse, var også når jeg begynte å få seksuell erfaring første gang. Det tok en del år før jeg har begynt å fantasere om de hele opplevelsen, og lever nå lykkelig gift med ei dame som et par ganger i året kommer hjem nyknullet etter hun har vært på byen ensom. Godt at et sånt forum som dette finnes, og det er flott å endelig se at det er andre som tenner på samme sak. Så til min første opplevelse. Jeg er enebarn, og vår familie har alltid flyttet ut på landstedet fra mai til august. Mine foreldre har alltid jobbet i byen, og naturlig nok var jeg mye alene de dagene de var på jobb, men med et par gode venner på stedet så var det en herlig tid. Sommeren etter jeg hadde fylt 16 var jo preget av en gryende kåtskap, og denne sommeren begynte jeg og en gutt som bodde på gården å runke litt sammen. Han hadde alltid vært litt ”sjefen” når vi lekte, og han var jo tross alt 19 år, så jeg så veldig opp til ham og var glad for at han hadde valgt meg som sin venn. I forbindelse med runkingen, så så jeg at hans kuk var enormt mye større enn meg, men jeg trodde jo den gang at min kuk skulle ”gro seg til” og komme på samme størrelse som ham. En dag, når kåtskapen tok overhånd så fikk han meg til å suge ham. Jeg tenkte ikke så mye over det, men det endte i hvert fall med at han tømte seg i munnen min. Selv runket jeg etterpå, og spyttet ut hans safter. Jeg tenkte ikke mer over det, og når høsten kom flyttet vi igjen tilbake til byen og dagene gikk. Den vinteren fikk jeg så min første kjæreste. Vi hang sammen hele tiden, og fikk etter hvert et veldig nært forhold. Jeg var lykkelig, bortsett fra en sak. Å få pule henne, var helt uaktuelt. Det fikk vente til senere. Allikevel koste vi med hverandre, helt naken. Jeg lærte meg ikke å gi henne orgasme, men selv ble jeg alltid runket til jeg kom. Når sommeren kom, fikk hun komme og bo hos oss i to uker. Og den siste uken fikk vi lov å være helt alene. Vi kjente oss som voksne, og planla hvordan middager og sånt skulle lages. Den første dagen vi var alene, kom nabogutten på besøk. Han var en del eldre enn oss, og hadde også med seg noen flasker vin. Jeg og min kjæreste hadde jo så vidt begynt å eksperimentere med alkohol, og vi følte oss veldig store når vi satt oss ned på balkongen alle tre og begynte å drikke. Utover kvelden, merket vi jo alle alkoholen, og plutselig kom samtalen inn på sex. Nabogutten spurte jo selvfølgelig om vi hadde mye sex, og spurte om jeg ”var god i senga”. Kjæresten min svarte som sant var, at vi ikke hadde hatt samleie enda, og at jeg fikk vente. Han lo da høyt, og fortalte at ”i fjor sommer, så sugde han kuken min. Og jeg kom i munnen hans. Om han vil ha råd fra meg om hvordan ei jente skal pules til orgasme, så får han heller spørre meg.” Kjæresten min var litt full, og skrattet og lo. ”Sugde du ham?” Lo hun, og jeg kjente at jeg krympet meg i stolen. Jeg prøvde fortvilt å skifte emne, og den neste timen eller så pratet vi om musikk, og skole og alt det andre. Når det begynte å bli litt kaldt, gikk vi inn på stuen, og da oppdaget jeg at kjæresten min var begynt å bli full. Samtalen kom igjen inn på sex, og hun spurte om alle mulige saker. Og nabogutten som var veldig erfaren fortalte på en saklig måte. Så på ett eller annen tidspunkt tittet kjæresten min bare lenge på meg. Vi guttene forstod at det var noe hun ville si, så vi var stille og ventet. ”Jeg kjenner at jeg begynner å bli klar for å skikkelig sex med deg. Men jeg vil se hvordan man puler først. Jeg vil se og forstå hvordan det er.” Og så fortalte hun at hun ville at Tom skulle pule meg, sånn at hun kunne se på, og nesten lære hvordan det kom til å bli. Jeg var helt stum. Jeg visste ikke hva jeg skulle svare, men Tom svarte bare lett. ”For meg er det ingen problem, og jeg tror det kan være bra opplevelse. Sånn sex mellom gutter er jo bare på gøy, og ikke det ekte. Men du kan se litt hvordan det blir.” Og før jeg visste ordet av det, hadde kjæresten min og Tom overtalt oss til å kle oss begge nakne. Jeg husket at kjæresten min tittet på Toms kjempekuk, men tenkte ikke mer over saken. Jeg var full, og tenkte igrunn bare på hvordan det skulle bli. Og tenkte på at dette er ikke ekte sex. Når vi gikk inn på soverommet, gikk Tom ut igjen, og kjæresten min sa igjen at skulle vi to ha sex så ville hun se og lære litt om hvordan det kom til å bli. Og at dette var jo bra også for meg, for da kunne jeg se hvordan man pulte noen. Tom kom inn igjen og hadde med seg en boks vaselin. Han ba meg legge meg på rygg, og skreve. Så tok han opp boksen, og smurte inn rumpa mi. Han forklarte at dette måtte man ha til gutter, men vi kjente jo til at kjæresten min ble veldig våt når vi koste uten klær. Så var det nesten sånn jeg hoppet. For han puttet inn en finger inn i rumpa vi. Det var ubehagelig. Så stilte Tom seg på kne foran meg, og sa at den første gang pikken skal inn, så gjør det litt vondt. Både for jenter og gutter, og at det derfor var viktig at gutten la bena til jenta over sine skuldre. For det verste man kunne gjøre, var å ta ut igjen kuken etter den var inne. For det kom til å bli veldig godt etter hvert for jenta. Han løftet så mine ben opp på skuldrene, og jeg tittet bare på kjæresten min. Hun tittet fascinert på det som skjedde nede hos Tom. Og plutselig kjente jeg smerten gjennom hele kroppen. Han begynte å presse seg inn, og det var annerledes og vondere enn alt jeg hadde kjent. Og selv om jeg prøvde å komme meg unna, hadde han full kontroll over kroppen min. Mine ben lå over hans skuldre, og han presset på innover. ”Så, så” sa han helt rolig. Det blir bedre etter hvert. Så, ble han liggende helt stille over meg. Og litt etterhvert begynte smerten å forsvinne. Jeg trodde at dette var alt man skulle gjøre første gang, og regnet med han kom til å bare være der en stund. Og så etter en god stund, sa han ”da kan man begynne”. Det som skjedde nå, var helt utrolig. For når han trakk seg ut igjen, var det plutselig veldig godt. Jeg trodde han var på vei helt ut, men istedenfor støtte han inn igjen. Det var litt vondt, men idet han trakk seg ut kjente jeg at det var godt. Han holdt et sakte tempo, og etter hvert begynte det å bli deilig. Jeg kjente at kuken min ble kjempestiv. Og han fortsatte i høyere og høyere tempo. Til slutt lå jeg bare og ble kåtere og kåtere. ”Er det godt nå” spurte kjæresten min. Hun satt i stolen og bare tittet på. Hun var helt fascinert. ”Ja, det er helt utrolig deilig, sa jeg”. Tom fortsatte å pumpe på. Raskere, hardere, og så la han ned mine ben. Jeg tenkte at jeg skulle vise frem for dama mi, og la de rundt ham sånn at hælene mine ble liggende på hans rumpe. Det var godt, og han fortsatte å pule meg. Så ba han meg plutselig om å stå på alle fire. Han trakk seg ut, og jeg stilte meg opp som han ba om. Han stilte seg da bak meg, puttet den inn og begynte på igjen. Han forklarte at dette var doggie stilling, og så fortsatte han raskere og raskere. Og nå kjente jeg at jeg snart kom selv. Og fordi han holdt en fast rytme, så helt uten at jeg hadde tatt på meg selv, kjente jeg at jeg sprutet og sprutet. For hvert støt han trykket på, så tømte jeg en runde til. Det varte så lenge, og det sluttet aldri. Til slutt kjentes det ut som noe eksploderte inni meg. Og jeg hørte Tom nesten rope at han kom. Så trakk han seg ut, og jeg ble liggende i sengen. Kjæresten min kom bort, og klinte med meg. ”Jeg vil ha sex med deg i løpet av natten” sa hun. Jeg kjente at alt rant ut av meg, og det verket som aldri før i ballene etter den lange orgasmen. Tom sa at han gikk i dusjen, og nå kunne jo vi samles i stua etterpå. Vi ble liggende å kline, og når jeg hørte han var ferdig, var det min tur til å gå i dusjen. Etter jeg var ferdig, så jeg at de hadde tatt på seg jakker og gått ut på verandaen. De satt og røkte, og jeg merket med en gang de hadde snakket sammen. Kjæresten min sa at hun ville at vi to skulle gå og ha sex nå, men hun ville ikke at Tom skulle gå enda. Så tok hun meg i hånden, og vi gikk inn på soverommet. Jeg ble kåt på et sekund, og har aldri noensinne kjent noe så deilig som når jeg førte inn pikken inni henne. Jeg hadde hennes ben på mine skuldre, og gjorde akkurat som Tom hadde vist meg. Men når jeg skulle begynne å pule henne, etter jeg hadde lagt stille i henne, kjente jeg at jeg kom med en gang. Det var to-tre støt, så falt jeg sammen over henne. Hun hadde vært så trang at det nesten gjorde vondt hele tiden, og det var umulig for meg å holde tilbake. Vi ble liggende og kysse og kline. Og når jeg spurte om det var godt, smilte hun bare. Vi ble liggende en stund, så sa hun at hun måtte spørre meg om noe, og at jeg ikke måtte bli sint. Hun forklarte så at hun også gjerne ville få orgasme, dette var jo hennes første kveld med ekte sex. Og Tom kunne jo dette så godt. Og det betydde jo ingenting, bortsett fra at hun også kunne få hele følelsen den første kvelden. Jeg kjente sjalusien, men forstod jo også henne. Livredd for at hun kanskje ikke ville ha sex med meg igjen på lenge, bestemte jeg meg for at det kunne gå greit. For deretter så kunne jo jeg sikkert få så mye sex jeg ville. Hun ropte da på Tom, og spurte om han ikke ville komme inn. Han spurte om det var greit for meg. Og før jeg visste ordet av det, var han naken igjen. Han lå over henne, og jeg hoppet til når de begynte å kline. Det virket som de hadde helt glemt meg. Når han så helt tett over henne, og førte inn pikken, hørte jeg henne stønne høyt. Så lå de og klinet, mens han sakte pulte henne. Hun tittet ikke på meg en eneste gang, men lå og så i hans øyne når hun ikke klinte med ham.